Early Intervention Gambling Health Test


  1. Early Intervention Gambling Health Test Results
  2. Early Intervention Gambling Health Test

GPs take a punt with a brief gambling screen: Development of the Early Intervention Gambling Health Test (EIGHT Screen). Blaszczynski (Ed.), Culture and the gambling phenomenon. Proceedings of the 10th annual conference of the national association of gambling studies (pp. Sydney, National Association for Gambling Studies. Age appears to play a critical factor for the development of pathological gambling, and the clinical course the addiction may follow. In a new study, researchers reviewed more than 2,300 patients.


The EIGHT Screen is a brief problem gambling screen originally designed for use by family doctors. Its wider use indicated the need for further validation. A triangulated approach used a range of measures in different settings in both the current study and findings from a number of earlier projects, and reviewed current use. The EIGHT Screen had acceptable correlations with the SOGS (r = 74–90%) and with the NODS-12 months Screen (r = 62.4%). Measurements remained relatively constant amongst a range of cultures, settings, age and gender, while few false positives were produced by the screen. The EIGHT Screen appears to be a valid tool for untrained users to identify Level 2 and 3 problem gambling in a wide range of cultures and settings.

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Early Intervention Gambling Health Test Results

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Early Intervention Gambling Health Test

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